Title: LPT : when apologising, focus on your actions and how they hurt someone, do not apologise for your character flaws

Guid: t3_1ed6okl


Apologising for your character flaws- e.g “I’m sorry I’m so selfish”/“im sorry I’m a bad person”- can come off as manipulative and makes the recipient feel awkward. Even if your intended message was genuine remorse, it does not give that effect

It is much better to focus on how you hurt someone than how you felt about hurting someone. Instead of saying “I’m sorry I’m selfish”, say “I’m sorry I didn’t consider your feelings”. Instead of saying “I’m sorry I’m a bad person”, say “I’m sorry I hurt you like that”.

submitted by /u/BlackberryAgile193
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When apologising, focus on your actions and how they hurt someone, do not apologise for your character flaws

Apologising for your character flaws- e.g “I’m sorry I’m so selfish”/“im sorry I’m a bad person”- can come off as manipulative and makes the recipient feel awkward. Even if your intended message was genuine remorse, it does not give that effect

It is much better to focus on how you hurt someone than how you felt about hurting someone. Instead of saying “I’m sorry I’m selfish”, say “I’m sorry I didn’t consider your feelings”. Instead of saying “I’m sorry I’m a bad person”, say “I’m sorry I hurt you like that”.

When apologising, focus on your actions and how they hurt someone, do not apologise for your character flaws

Apologising for your character flaws- e.g “I’m sorry I’m so selfish”/“im sorry I’m a bad person”- can come off as manipulative and makes the recipient feel awkward. Even if your intended message was genuine remorse, it does not give that effect

It is much better to focus on how you hurt someone than how you felt about hurting someone. Instead of saying “I’m sorry I’m selfish”, say “I’m sorry I didn’t consider your feelings”. Instead of saying “I’m sorry I’m a bad person”, say “I’m sorry I hurt you like that”.

life advice, life pro tips, life pros, tips and tricks, lifehack

Warning: file_get_contents(http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/lifepros.tumblr.com/info?api_key=2wZG77Khzocr5ftdjH4UDrrXtsEDpX2g0zbnpSr5L6aZw7eXay): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/httpd/vhosts/maleday.ru/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/boldnews/page-tumblr_lifehack.php on line 275

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Look at our caption getting smaller as we refine it

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Comparing with 40 latest posts

Post hash

Matches: 0

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Comparing with the queue

Post hash

Matches: 0

There were no matches. It means the photo hasn't been recently published or queued. Proceeding with adding it to the queue.

There was something wrong. See the raw output below.

object(stdClass)#6889 (3) { ["meta"]=> object(stdClass)#6888 (2) { ["status"]=> int(403) ["msg"]=> string(9) "Forbidden" } ["errors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#6890 (3) { ["title"]=> string(9) "Forbidden" ["code"]=> int(5006) ["detail"]=> string(64) "A secure connection (https) is required to access the Tumblr API" } } ["response"]=> array(0) { } }

Title: LPT It's exactly as easy to put on tinted safety glasses as it is sunglasses when mowing. Do yourself a favor and protect your eyes.

Guid: t3_1ed517n

Descr: submitted by /u/Chance_Answer7984
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It's exactly as easy to put on tinted safety glasses as it is sunglasses when mowing. Do yourself a favor and protect your eyes.

It's exactly as easy to put on tinted safety glasses as it is sunglasses when mowing. Do yourself a favor and protect your eyes.

lifehack, tips and tricks, life pros, life pro tips, life advice

Warning: file_get_contents(http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/lifepros.tumblr.com/info?api_key=2wZG77Khzocr5ftdjH4UDrrXtsEDpX2g0zbnpSr5L6aZw7eXay): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/httpd/vhosts/maleday.ru/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/boldnews/page-tumblr_lifehack.php on line 275

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Look at our caption getting smaller as we refine it

Warning: file_get_contents(http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/lifepros.tumblr.com/posts/photo?api_key=2wZG77Khzocr5ftdjH4UDrrXtsEDpX2g0zbnpSr5L6aZw7eXay&limit=40): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/httpd/vhosts/maleday.ru/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/boldnews/page-tumblr_lifehack.php on line 336

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Warning: file_get_contents(http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/lifepros.tumblr.com/posts/photo?api_key=2wZG77Khzocr5ftdjH4UDrrXtsEDpX2g0zbnpSr5L6aZw7eXay&limit=40&offset=120): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/httpd/vhosts/maleday.ru/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/boldnews/page-tumblr_lifehack.php on line 339

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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/httpd/vhosts/maleday.ru/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/boldnews/page-tumblr_lifehack.php on line 359

Comparing with 40 latest posts

Post hash

Matches: 0

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Comparing with the queue

Post hash

Matches: 0

There were no matches. It means the photo hasn't been recently published or queued. Proceeding with adding it to the queue.

There was something wrong. See the raw output below.

object(stdClass)#6887 (3) { ["meta"]=> object(stdClass)#6886 (2) { ["status"]=> int(403) ["msg"]=> string(9) "Forbidden" } ["errors"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#6885 (3) { ["title"]=> string(9) "Forbidden" ["code"]=> int(5006) ["detail"]=> string(64) "A secure connection (https) is required to access the Tumblr API" } } ["response"]=> array(0) { } }